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Woody Caan

LAUNCH 606 Club Thurs 5 Sep

This new album provides a feast of musical styles and influences: fiesta is just the word that it evokes. My memory has grown uncertain, but I think I first heard Jennifer Moore (Ayala) as a teenager, in Cambridge. I could [...]

22 June 2024 with Hetty and the Jazzato Band (Hetty Loxston, Richard Muscat, Fabrizio Bonacci, Alessandro Chimaschi & Riccardo Castellani

In my notes for this review, one word stood out: scintillating. In Chelsea, the Summer Solstice was hot and languid, well matched by the Mediterranean delights of the Jazzato Band. I have heard Hetty Loxston sing in different venues and [...]

This week, someone who had heard Jo Harrop live, described the experience to BBC Jazz Record Requests as having been “spellbound”. The producer of this CD introduces Jo Harrop’s music as coming “straight from the heart”… and as someone who [...]

25 May 2024

Summer sunshine was streaming into Stapleford Granary: as a ‘full house’, well fed by the caterers, poured into this arts centre near Cambridge. We had come to hear the singer Jacqui Dankworth, accompanied by pianist, arranger (and husband) Charlie Wood. [...]


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