UK Jazz News

Dan Paton

(1-4 Sep 2022)

Whether it be the multi-venue extravaganza of the London Jazz Festival, or rushing between various stages at Love Supreme or Glastonbury, music festivals usually require a combination of considerable energy and careful planning to experience them as fully as possible. [...]

24 July 2022.

London audiences are often, perhaps unfairly, dismissed as reserved in their enthusiasm but there could be no mistaking the ardour of tonight’s audience for Patti Smith. They spend more time out of their seats than in them, even up in [...]


New album 'Only In Autumn'

‘We’ve got a small big band, we’ve got a rock band, we’ve got a jazz quartet, we’ve got a vocalist so there’s lyrics to write. It’s endless possibilities,” says drummer, composer, lyricist and bandleader Rod Oughton of his octet OK [...]


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