UK Jazz News

RIP Robin Morton


Robin Morton. Photo: Ewan Macgregor

Robin Morton was a hugely influential figure on the folk and traditional music scene in Scotland and across the world, and yet if he’d followed his initial musical dream, it would have led to a career in jazz.

His early ambition was to emulate Louis Armstrong, his first instrument the cornet and his biggest disappointment as a schoolboy in Portadown was that Jelly Roll Morton wasn’t a distant relative.

Right to his final years, while guiding folk musicians and recording the traditional music he championed tirelessly, he cherished the notion of adding a live recording of tenor saxophone legend George Coleman to his Temple Records catalogue.

Robin Morton, musician, record producer, song collector, manager, born 24 December 1939; died 1 October 2021.

Rob’s full obituary of Robin Morton for the HERALD is HERE and HERE.

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