UK Jazz News

RIP Martin Hummel (1955-2025)

Martin Hummel. Photo Ubuntu Music

Sebastian writes:

I am incredibly sad to hear of the death of a huge supporter of jazz in this country, a fervent supporter of this site and a wonderful and loyal friend to me and the team, Martin Hummel.

Martin was Founder and owner of Ubuntu Music and his Facebook profile describes him well: “absolutely passionate about jazz and life.”

He had been undergoing several rounds of treatment for cancer, but, according to a note from his family, suffered “a rapid, unexpected decline in his health over the last week”, and passed away in the early hours of Friday morning 10 January. “He experienced and left this world peacefully surrounded by his family.”

The UK jazz community will sorely miss a force for good and for cohesion. We will have fuller tributes, but in the meantime, our sincerest sympathies to Leslie and to the family.

Martin Hummel. Born Montclair NJ, 2 February 1955. Died London 10 January 2025. In sadness.

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6 responses

  1. This is incredibly sad and unexpected news. The volume and quality of Ubuntu releases has made it a significant force in a vibrant British Jazz scene, much of which does not fit the Business ethos of the wider music industry (or what is left of it). Through Ubuntu, Martin helped both document recent British Jazz, create revenue for it and a legacy. He will be a hard act to follow. RIP and condolences to his family and friends.

  2. Martin leaves a larger-than-life hole in our tight community — a true mensch and passionate advocate for independent musicians, generous (which is rare these days) and dedicated to preserving the soul of the genre. His drive and commitment always had a profound impact on us all and will resonate for a long time to come.

  3. God bless Martin. I was a frat brother from Theta Dlta Chi. Spoke about a year ago no idea then. He was a stellar, fun, interesting, confident guy.

  4. Martin gave the enormous gift of support to so many, not merely through physical means but through his authentic Attention to artists, a respectful enthusiasm that is SUCH a great quality to carry into our artistic world.

  5. A sad loss to the world of Jazz. Just watched Darius a Brubeck play two sets in London – the first a tribute to Time Out and the second half, a tribute to Martin Hummel through a tribute to The Jazzanians. Flawless evening tinged with sadness.

  6. Cathy and I share the loss of Martin with many friends and music colleagues. His enthusiasm, energy, humour and creativity will be sorely missed. He helped so many musicians and his generous spirit defined the Ubuntu concept. Darius Brubeck

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