Richard Pite is looking forward to the return of the Monday lunchtime sessions at the Spice of Life in Soho, starting on 4 October with Enrico Tomasso. Richard writes:
The Spice (6 Moor Street and right next to The Palace Theatre) has hosted lunchtime sessions (12:30-2:30pm) for seventeen years but they’ve been much missed these last 18 months.
We do hope to welcome back many of the regular Monday crowd and if you haven’t been before come and give it a try – there is good grub, excellent real ale and a fine line-up of jazz talent.
We begin with the great trumpeter/singer/entertainer Enrico Tomasso backed by Spice regular Jack Honeyborne and his trio.
It’s an intimate room with great acoustics and a lovely atmosphere and I look forward to welcoming you all this coming Monday.

Monday 4 October Enrico Tomasso and Jack Honeybourne
Monday 11 October: Alan Barnes
Monday 18 October: Vimala Rowe with the Gunther Kuermeyer Trio
Monday 25 October: Pete Long with the Nick Dawson Trio.
Sessions start at 12:30pm
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