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jazzahead! 2022

All forty showcase bands (Canadian, European, German, Overseas) are announced.

Fergus McCreadie. Photo credit: Dave Stapleton

The forty bands for the jazzahead! showcases are announced and are listed here. First the Canadian Night (eight bands); then the European Jazz Meeting (sixteen bands), then the German Jazz Expo (eight bands) and the Overseas Night (eight bands). The jazzahead! website has full information on each band.

  1. Canadian Night Thursday, 28 April 2022
Larnell Lewis. Photo © Koko_Tchorbadjian

Audrey Ochoa
Audrey Ochoa (tb), Mike Lent (b), Jim Head (g), Dave Laing (dr)

Carrier, Lambert, Edwards
François Carrier (as), Michel Lambert (dr), John Edwards (ac-bg)

François Bourassa Quartet
François Bourassa (p), André Leroux (sax, fl, cl), Guy Boisvert (db), Guillaume Pilote (dr)

Itamar Erez quartet
Itamar Erez (p, g), Francois Houle (cl), James Meger (db), Kevin Romain (dr)

Larnell Lewis
Larnell Lewis (dr), Elmer Ferrer (g), Rich Brown (b), Rob Christian (ww), Andrew McAnsh (tpt), Jeremy Ledbetter (p), Joy
Lapps (steelpan)

Marianne Trudel + John Hollenbeck: Dédé Java Espiritu
Marianne Trudel (p), John Hollenbeck (dr)

Kim Zombik (voc), Nicolas Caloia (db)

Steph Richards
Steph Richards (tpt, flugelhorn), Zachary Lober (b), Joshua White (p), Max Jaffee (dr, electronics)

European Jazz Meeting, Friday, 29 April 2022

Daniel Garcia with Reinier Elizarde “El Negrón” (left) and Michael Olivera (right). Photo courtesy of Uli Fild/ ACT Music

Alba Careta Group (Spain)
Alba Careta (tpt, voc), Josep Cordobés (dr), Lucas Martínez (tenor sax), Roger Santacana (p), Giuseppe Campisi (db)

Antoine Boyer & Yeore Kim Quartet (France)
Antoine Boyer (g), Yeore Kim (harm), William Brunard (db), Jonathan Gomis (dr)

Antonio Lizana (Spain)
Antonio Lizana (lead voc, sax), Daniel Garcia Diego (p, back voc), Jesús Caparrós (el-b, back voc), Shayan Fathi (dr), El Mawi
(flamenco dancing, back voc)

Claudio Constantini (bandoneon, p, comp), Raúl Kiokio (elec & acoustic g), Antonio Miguel (elec & double b), Shayan Fathi

Daniel García Trio (Spain)
Daniel García (p), Reinier Elizarde (db), Michael Olivera (dr)

Fergus McCreadie (Scotland)
Fergus McCreadie (p), David Bowden (db), Stephen Henderson (dr)

IKARUS (Switzerland)
Ramón Oliveras (dr, comp), Andreas Lareida (voc), Anna Hirsch (voc), Lucca Fries (p), Mo Meyer (db)

Jazz Forum Talents (Poland)
Kasia Pietrzko (p), Kacper Smoliński (harm), Maciej Kądziela (alto sax), Tomasz Chyła (vl), Jakub Mizeracki (g), Roman
Chraniuk (db, bass-g), Adam Zagórski (dr)

J.D.HIVE (Austria)
Johannes Dickbauer (vl), Sebastian Schneider (p), Andreas Waelti (b), András Dés (percs)

Kathrine Windfeld Big Band (Denmark)
André Bak (tpt), Rolf Thofte Løkke (tpt), Magnus Oseth (tpt), Göran Abelli (tb), Mikkel Aagaard (tb), Anders Larson (tb), Jakob
Lundbak (alto sax), Magnus Thuelund (alto sax), Roald Elm (tenor sax), Ida Karlsson (tenor sax), Aske Drasbæk (baritone
sax), Kathrine Windfeld (p, comp, arrangements), Viktor Sandström (g), Johannes Vaht (db), Henrik Holst Hansen (dr)

LEON PHAL (France)
Leon Phal (alto sax), Gauthier Toux (keys), Zacharie Kysk (tpt), Arthur Alard (dr), Rémi Bouyssière (db)

Modern Art Orchestra (MAO) (Hungary)
Kristóf Bacsó (soprano sax, alto sax, fl), Dávid Ülkei (alto sax, cl), János Ávéd (tenor sax, fl), Balázs Cserta (tenor sax, cl),
Mihály Bajusznács (bartionte sax, b-cl), Balázs Szalóky (tpt), Kornél Fekete-Kovács (tpt), Gábpr Subicz (tpt), Balázs
Bukovinszki (tpt), Ferenc Magyar (tpt), Zoltán Varga (french horn), Attila Korb (tb), Gábor Barbinek (tb), Mikós Csáthy (bass
tb), Péter Kovács (tb), Áron Komjáti (g), Gábor Sceke (p), József Barcza-Horváth (b), Lászlo Csízi (dr), Kornél Fekete-Kovács
(conductor, artistic director)

Naïssam Jalal & Rhythms of Resistance (France/Syria)
Naïssam Jalal (comp, fl, nay, voc), Mehdi Chaïb (tenor & soprano sax, percs), Karsten Hochapfel (g, clo), Damien Varaillon
(db), Arnaud Dolmen (dr)

Pierre Bertrand “COLORS” (France/Sweden)
Pierre Bertrand (saxs, fls), Anders Bergcrantz (tpt), Pierre-Alain Goualch (p), Christophe Wallemme (db), Laurent Robin (dr)

Teis Semey Quintet (Netherlands/Denmark)
Teis Semey (g), Alistair Payne (tpt), José Soares (alto sax), Jort Terwijn (db), Sun Mi Hong (dr)

Tijn Wybenga & AM.OK (Netherlands)
Tijn Wybenga (comp, conductor), Alistair Payne (tpt), Kika Sprangers (sax), Odei Al Magut (tb), Federico
Calcagno (b-cl), Pablo Rodriguez (vl), Yanna Pelser (va), George Dumitriu (va), Pau Sola (clo), Felix Back
(synths), Teis Semey (g), Alessandro Fongaro (b), Jamie Peet (dr), Tom Pritchard (percs)

German Jazz Expo Saturday, 30 April 2022

Clara Haberkamp. Photo copyright Kurt Rade

Clara Haberkamp Trio
Clara Haberkamp (p), Oliver Potratz (b), Lukas Akintaya (dr)

Fuchsthone Orchestra
Christina Fuchs & Caroline Thon (conducting, composition), Roger Hanschel (sax), Theresia Philipp (sax), Matthew Halpin
(sax), Jens Böckamp (sax), Susanne Weidinger (sax), Christian Mehler (tpt), Matthias Knoop (tpt), John-Dennis Renken (tpt),
Matthias Bergmann (tpt), Philipp Schittek (tb), Matthias Schuller (tb), Matthias Muche (tb), Wolf Schenk (tb), Filippa Gojo (voc),
Zuzana Leharovà (vl), Laia Genc (p), Andreas Wahl (g), Alexander Morsey (b), Jens Düppe (dr), Eva Pöpplein
(electronics / live samples)

Jens Düppe Quartet
Frederik Köster (tpt), Lars Duppler (p), Christian Ramond (b), Jens Düppe (dr, voc)

Jo Beyer (dr), Andreas Wahl (elec & acoustic g), Felix Elsner (p), Sven Decker (tenor sax)

Keno Harriehausen Quartet
Andris Meinig (db), Maya Fridman (clo), Karlis Auzins (sax), Keno Harriehausen (p)

Kira Linn (baritone sax, b-cl, comp), Nino Wenger (alto sax, fl), Christopher Kunz (tenor & soprano sax), Lukas Großmann (p),
Lukas Keller (b), Johannes Koch (dr)

Magro (dr), Rapturous (voc), Igor Osypov (g), Martin Lüdicke (p), Francesco Beccaro (b)

Vincent Meissner Trio
Vincent Meissner (p), Josef Zeimetz (b), Henri Reichmann (dr)

Overseas Night Saturday, 30. April 2022

Quartabê (publicity photo)

Brekky Boy (Australia)
Taylor Davis (p), Ryan Hurst (b), Alex Hirlian (dr)

Caixa Cubo (Brazil)
Henrique Gomide (p), Noa Stroeter (db, e-bass), João Fidele (dr)

Melissa Aldana Quartet (USA)
Melissa Aldana (sax), Lage Lund (g), Pablo Menares (b), Kush Abadey (dr)

Ofer Mizrahi Trio (Israel)
Ofer Mizrahi (g, tpt, voc), Mayu Shviro (clo), David Michaeli (db)

Quartabê (Brazil)
Maria Beraldo (cl & b-cl), Joana Queiroz (cl & b-cl), Chicão (synths), Mariá Portugal (dr, electronica)

Chico Pinheiro Quartet (Brazuk/USA)
Chico Pinheiro (g), Hélio Alves (p), Sam Minnaie (db), Alexandre Kautz (dr)

Sofia Rei (USA/Argentina)
Sofia Rei (voc, charango, electronics), JC Maillard (g, b, electronics), Sabrina Romero (percus, voc)

Tobias Meinhart – The Painter (USA)
Tobias Meinhart (tenor & soprano sax, alto fl, voc), Eden Ladin (p), Matt Penman (b), Obed Calvaire (dr)


Showcase acts for jazzahead! 2022: 40 concerts in four categories from Thursday 28 April to Saturday 30 April

The showcase acts for this year’s jazzahead! at MESSE BREMEN are announced: from Thursday 28 April to Saturday 30 April, 40 short concerts will take place at the jazz trade fair, as usual. Once again the concerts have been arranged into four blocks. The selection offered is the result of a rigorous decision-making process made by international expert juries.

The first event on Thursday 28 April is Canadian Night with eight contributions from this year’s partner country Canada, including the François Bourassa Quartet and Larnell Lewis, the drummer from Snarky Puppy. On Friday 29 April the festival continues with the sixteen acts of the European Jazz Meeting, including four contributions from Spain, including the Alba Careta Group and Antonio Lizana. In addition, French saxophonist/composer Pierre Bertrand, with Swedish trumpeter Anders Bergcrantz, will present his latest project “Colors” which has been highly successful in France.

There will be a further eight concerts on Saturday, 30 April at the German Jazz Expo, and then a final eight at the Overseas Night on the evening of the same day. The German selection includes the Fuchsthone Orchestra, JO and Berlin drummer/producer Magro, while highlights of the Overseas Night will include the Australian trio “Brekky Boy” and no fewer than three groups from Brazil.

From Europe alone, there were 385 applications from 30 countries this year, with a marked increase in those coming from southern European countries: Italy, Spain and Portugal. Also noticeable is the growing number of multinational European bands, as artistic director Ulrich Beckerhoff points out: “We see Europe growing together more and more here.” And Peter Schulze, his colleague as joint Artistic Director adds with regard to the German Jazz Expo 2022: “We can see clearly that German bands are becoming increasingly international in their composition.”

Details of all the artists participating in the showcase concerts can be found in the form of short texts (and links/photos) on the following pages.

The jazzahead! trade fair at MESSE BREMEN will take place from 28 April to 1 May 2022, with the accompanying festival starting earlier, on 14 April.”


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