The organisers of jazzahead!, the world’s leading jazz trade fair, have put out a reminder that applications for the showcase festival 2022 are still open for just one more week. We also spoke to a musician who has clearly benefited from his Bremen experience, and recommends it!
(TEXT FROM jazzahead! BEGINS)
“Applications for the jazzahead! 2022 showcase festival are still open until Thursday, November 4!
- In this year’s process, 32 bands will be selected from all submissions.
- jazzahead! is THE meeting place for the jazz scene.
- The bands selected by the juries will play in front of an audience of international representatives of the jazz scene: programmers of clubs and festivals, labels, agencies, media representatives and many more from all over the world.
- Applications can be submitted by jazzahead! 2022 registered (co-)exhibitors or professional participants (all days).
- You can read all the requirements here.” (TEXT ENDS)
Vadym Neselovskyi, who has appeared twice at jazzahead! showcases talked to us about his experience:
- Concerning the selection process, Neselovskyi says:
“What I really liked about the selection process was that as an artist you can submit material, that people listen to it properly and make independent decisions. Whereas there are some competitions dominated by cliques there is none of that at jazzahead! They are open to submissions from every part of the world. I like that openness.”
- And concerning the consequences of having appeared:
“There were so many people who heard us there. We kept on discovering that promoters had become aware of us at these showcases. A booking that I received in Prague, and the chance to headline with my trio at the festival in Munster were both direct consequences of the appearances in Bremen. The fact that I was able to record an album at Sendesaal Bremen was also thanks to jazzahead! and the showcase appearance.”
- And in conclusion:
“The jazzahead! showcase was great for me. I can only be grateful to jazzahead! for the opportunities I had through the showcases. I think it is a great opportunity for any musician.”