Saxophonist/flautist/pianist/bandleader/educator David Angol was born near Preston in Lancashire to parents originally from Dominica. A graduate of Middlesex University he has a long CV in music. He played in the group US3 which recorded several albums for Blue Note. He has played alongside Bobby Watson, Jools Holland, Bheki Mseleku, Ralph Moore, Jerry Bergonzi, Jean Toussaint, Kenny Garrett and Tony Kofi. He composed and performed music for the BBC and ITV. including TV drama series ‘Peaky Blinders’, where he is also a member of the live jazz band on set. On 17 May he leads his own group at East Side Jazz. Booking link below.
UKJazz News: We understand that East Side where you will play on 17 May is your local gig. How long have you lived in Leytonstone?
David Angol: Hi there – I’ve lived in Leytonstone 23 years
UKJN: And what was the story before that?
DA: Before that I lived in Leyton
UKJN: Did you always know you were going to be a musician …
DA: No I was a jazz dancer and heard the saxophone when dancing to jazz and . It was Sonny Rollins “St Thomas” and that record got me to think about getting a saxophone that I did buy some years later
UKJN: Your Jazz CV has some amazing people. What do you look back on as the highlights
DA: Playing with Bobby Watson, Jerry Bergonzi and Ralph Moore – and US3.
UKJN: But you also have a substantial CV in studio and filmvs.
A: I’ve done pop stuff with Jess Glynn, Jools Holland Beverly knight and Nick Jonas
UKJN: What / who was US3 and how long did it last?
DA: For me, Us 3 was a dep gig that lasted 2 months as I was depping for Ed jones while he was in another gig – but it was a great learning experience for me.
UKJN: I see you played with Nat Birchall last year . How did you get involved with him
DA: Me and Nat are from the same town, Preston, and we have been friends since I first started playing the sax in 1984. Nat has been a great mentor and friend and we continue to inspire each other to this day
UKJN: Who’s in the band for 17 May?
DA: Myself on Tenor and soprano saxes
- Leon Daniel piano a great modern pianist with his own voice on piano
- Alfonso Vitale drums
- Darren McCarthy Double bass
UKJN: What material do you play in this group?
DA: We play a mixture of my originals and classic hard bop and modern jazz contemporary tunes with a twist.