To be able to go to a festival where there seems to be little restriction (as all the work to prepare and keep to regulations has gone on behind the scenes) is a joy. A programme, carefully put together as [...]
“The world is full of eminent musicians deserving of documentaries,” German-Canadian film-maker Brigitte Berman explained on Friday night 6 August, the 90th anniversary of the death of Leon (Bix) Beiderbecke. “But to make a documentary you need to be ready [...]
“DEL. FEE. OH. You pronounce it Del-Fee-Oh.” This is how Delfeayo Marsalis enters the stage: with gentle sass and a light rebuke, politely chiding the announcer for not having yet learnt how to pronounce his name. The interaction seems innocuous enough, [...]
Oliver Weindling reports from the Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige 2021 (25 June – 4 July), and picks five concerts which he particularly enjoyed: The South Tyrol Jazz Festival combines amazing locations in the Dolomites with equally high quality music, searching [...]
I used to switch the lights off and listen to the Velvet Underground in the pitch black darkness, as teenagers must. The dark sound world of improvising trio Ill-Considered makes me want to do the same. With characteristic intensity, the [...]
The Guildhall School held a seminar and concert on Tuesday 29 June shining a light on the important influence of British musicians with a Caribbean heritage: Joe Harriott, Shake Keane and Harry Beckett. Sebastian attended the seminar (which happened to [...]
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