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Crowdfunder to re-open Edinburgh’s Jazz Bar announced.

The 'old' Jazz Bar

Nick and Justyna Mushlin have just launched a crowdfunder under the banner “The New Jazz Bar – Saving The Music”. Their aims are described in detail on their Crowdfunder site – link below – are:

“to start a new venture which serves the community they ha[ve] been a part of for so long, continuing the legacy that the old Jazz Bar had created and nurtured for many years and, expand into actively growing and developing the next generation of musicians, keeping the fledgling music scene alive….Help us re-open our beloved live music venue.”

Comment: The Edinburgh scene, and (what is left of the) Scottish touring circuit need this! Contributions since the appeal opened this morning 30 May are going well

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One Response

  1. Speculate to accumulate exactly what apart from the obvious… grass roots growth, possibly? If and it’s great that they are making the effort they are in it for the LONG TERM then marvellous! But glory is in short supply however much a siren call.

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