UK Jazz News

December 7, 2024

Concert and Afternoon Workshop at Cambridge Junction/ Cambridge Jazz Festival, 23 Nov. 2024

A friend of a friend, who has very little English, perfectly summed up this headline performance in the Cambridge Jazz festival thus : “He is a wizard”. With the Amika String quartet to his right and the three other members [...]

2 LPs

I had to check the date online because I was lucky enough to see Sun Ra and the Arkestra in person, at the Brecon Jazz Festival, in 1990, three years before the leader’s death. It was great too, and every [...]

Bringing together the colossal talents of pianist Brad Mehldau, tenor saxophonist Mark Turner and guitarist Peter Bernstein with bassist Larry Grenadier and drummer Bill Stewart – MTB is the reconvening of a group of jazz greats from the Criss Cross [...]


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