UK Jazz News

November 24, 2024

Broadcast on BBC FOUR TV and BBC iPlayer

The other finalists were: Brief bio: Ursula Harrison (22) is from Pontygwaith, South Wales. A prolific composer, Ursula’s band Orbit Street was selected as a Forté Project artist for 2024, recording a new EP, Forest, and performing across Wales and [...]

Vortex Jazz Club, Dalston 21 November 2024. EFG LJF

The Vortex was the place to be on the cold Thursday evening of EFG London Jazz Festival. Anticipation was high for the Laura Jurd Trio as regulars and newcomers alike packed themselves in, clambering over one another, filling every seat [...]

This is such a strong album. It deserves to win awards, and probably will. Whereas the word multi-layered gets plastered across countless press releases, what Charlotte Planchou and pianist Mark Priore have given us with Le Carillon is the full [...]

University of Chicago Press, 192 pp.

“What are you reading?”, a visitor asks? Oh, a book about Pat Metheny (visitor looks blank) explaining how his music works. Visitor: “Well, if the music needs someone to explain how it works, then obviously it doesn’t really work the [...]

Hackney Church. 23 November 2024. EFG LJF

With the backdrop of the beautiful Hackney Church, Grammy award winning London jazztronica duo Blue Lab Beats storm through a triumphant set. Expanded to a full band line-up, they’re on top form and seem genuinely humbled by the large and [...]

Ronnie Scott's 18 November 2024. EFG LJF

This was my gig of the festival, and one of my gigs of the year. My reason for having wanted to be there was clear: a chance to catch a London appearance by no fewer than three major figures from [...]


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