An attractive lilting melody pauses, and an urgent, pulse-quickening riff kicks in, spun out by the bass and the piano player’s left – hand. It’s an exquisite blend of what could be calypso melded with a swirling folk dance, but [...]
Appearances in London by Billy Childs are rare, so his presence last night at Milton Court was reason enough to head out and hear him. The California pianist/composer was the star of a big and fascinatingly complex project, the whole [...]
The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra has added an extra performance to its Remembering Duke tour, which visits Glasgow, St Andrews and Edinburgh from 29 November to 1 December. In partnership with Care UK, the SNJO will present a relaxed afternoon edition of [...]
In the latest of our series where musicians consider their idols or formative influences, composer Philip Clemo picks music by Anouar Brahem that has left its mark on him: Anouar Brahem was born in the Medina of Tunis, Tunisia in [...]
Norwegian trio Elephant9 creates a 21st-century schizoid child of the heaviest, riffiest elements of seventies prog and jazz-rock: something akin to early King Crimson and ELP crossed with Miles Davis’s Live Evil and Mahavishnu Orchestra’s Between Nothingness and Eternity. They [...]
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