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June 5, 2024

"A Jazz Story" album launch

b-flat acoustic music + jazz club, Berlin-Mitte. 4 June 2024. Part of Jazzwoche Berlin. It’s only June and there’s still plenty to play for, but this one is already in the running for my gig of the year. Last night [...]

This week, someone who had heard Jo Harrop live, described the experience to BBC Jazz Record Requests as having been “spellbound”. The producer of this CD introduces Jo Harrop’s music as coming “straight from the heart”… and as someone who [...]

Kulturbrauerei, 4 June 2024

Michel Godard trio with Florian Weber and Anne Paceo (*) Did I hear a slight flicker of emotion, even of nostalgia in Philippe Ochem‘s voice as he announced the opening of the sixteenth Jazzdor Berlin-Strasbourg Festival last night? If there [...]


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