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May 30, 2024

1985 Reissue

Originally released in 1985, Song of the Motherland is a dub-poetry album released by spoken word artist AnkAnum, formerly known as Anum Iyapo. It has been regarded in some circles as a lost classic, and from listening to the heady [...]

Nick and Justyna Mushlin have just launched a crowdfunder under the banner “The New Jazz Bar – Saving The Music”. Their aims are described in detail on their Crowdfunder site – link below – are: “to start a new venture [...]

Lovers of vintage 1980s American and Brit Funk and funk jazz will be in for a special treat on 22 June when the Saturday Love All-Dayer comes to Broomfield Park in Palmers Green. From 1pm to 9pm, patrons will be [...]


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