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May 27, 2024

25 May 2024

Summer sunshine was streaming into Stapleford Granary: as a ‘full house’, well fed by the caterers, poured into this arts centre near Cambridge. We had come to hear the singer Jacqui Dankworth, accompanied by pianist, arranger (and husband) Charlie Wood. [...]

ECM Luminessence Vinyl

Angel Song The esteem in which the late composer and trumpeter Kenny Wheeler is held is evident from his several appearances in the opening releases of the ECM label’s audiophile vinyl series, Luminessence. His own 1975 debut for the label, [...]

A personal reflection on the great Swedish bassist Palle Danielsson who has died at the age of 77.

Palle Danielsson has died, and with him, one of the most instantly identifiable bass sounds of all time. For many of us, his greatest work was with the Keith Jarrett band, for a brief period in the mid 1970s. Several [...]

The following is an interview between jazz journalist Morgan Enos and saxophonist, composer, and bandleader Lakecia Benjamin. Benjamin just spent a week as a special guest with the Late Show Band on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, where Colbert [...]


Maren Selvaag is a Norwegian pianist and composer. She has collaborated with musicians including bassist Eivind Opsvick and drummer Eric McPherson. After completing her bachelors degree at the University of Trondheim, Maren continued to study, first a degree in composition [...]


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