UK Jazz News

January 16, 2023

“The effect of these cuts will be devastating for Scotland’s classical, jazz and piping scenes.” Tommy Smith has co-ordinated an open letter from a high-profile list of cultural figures in Scotland, including violinist/Director of the Edinburgh Festival Nicola Benedetti, composer [...]

A tribute

Guitarist Mark Wingfield pays tribute to Jeff Beck, “master of tonal nuance and expression”, who passed away on 10 January 2023 aged 78. Mark Wingfield writes: This won’t be an exhaustive run-through of Jeff Beck‘s career as there are plenty [...]

12 January 2023.

Until last Thursday, Eltham I knew only as a junction on the A2, the location of the Palace, and the home of chanteuse Kate Bush. But there is another reason to go there: live, accessible jazz. Award-winning singer Georgia Mancio and [...]

Over the last two decades, Dhafer Youssef has been one of Europe’s most reliably intriguing and innovative musicians. He combines proficiency on the oud with a truly remarkable voice that swoops through the octaves. Although his chosen instrument and singing [...]


“Mothers In Jazz” is a series, started by vocalist Nicky Schrire. The initiative aims to create an online resource for working jazz musicians with children, those contemplating parenthood, and jazz industry figures who work with and hire musicians who are [...]


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