UK Jazz News

October 1, 2022

Fringe Jazz at Bristol Music Club. 28 September 2022

A stone’s throw from the University of Bristol’s Student Union building, it’s easy to miss the steps down to the entrance of Bristol Music Club, current home of Fringe Jazz. The weekly jazz gig has been defying gravity for 10 [...]

The Life of Steely Dan’s Donald Fagen

Mark Murphy… Jon Hendricks… Donald Fagen… For those of us not far from author Peter Jones in both years and taste, it’s a perfectly logical sequence. The title of Jones’ first foray into musical biography was This Is Hip: The [...]

This poetic and captivating debut album by vocal and keyboard partnership Goldsmith Baynes appears to exemplify the currently vibrant jazz scene in New Zealand. A native Māori speaker from the east coast of New Zealand’s north island, Allana Goldsmith was [...]


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