UK Jazz News

May 2, 2022

The Jazz Arena. 1 May

It was a joy and a privilege to be invited to be the photographer for this photo-essay of the stupendous Electric Lady Big Band’s performance Writing about photography is – to paraphrase a saying on writing about music – like [...]

30 April 2022.

Introduction The support structures which nurture jazz among younger musicians in Germany are a thing of wonder. The mantra/buzzword one tends to hear most often when such things are discussed is “Nachhaltigkeit” (sustainability). The German talent development systems take many [...]

Jazz Arena. 30 April

A duo combining the two ur-instruments whose names double as verbs might suggest a combative encounter, but this one was sublimely co-operative. Trumpeter Dave Douglas and drummer Joey Baron go way back, though had only played one duo gig before [...]

Parabola Arts Centre. 30 April

The Cheltenham Jazz festival audience in the Parabola Arts Centre, part of the Cheltenham Ladies College, is normally fairly quiet and appropriately respectful. Not at the end of this gig. It’s a long time since anyone can remember the audience [...]

Parabola Arts Centre. 30 April

One of the unique features of the Cheltenham Jazz festival is the annual collaboration between students from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, and groups of students from overseas. In the past this has involved Conservatoires in Norway and in France. This [...]

A Personal Journey

Alyn Shipton has lived the jazz life. No, not that one, the one that involves 3am gigs in bare-bulb speakeasies, cognac for breakfast, pawning your horn and OD-ing aged 34. BBC Radio 3 wouldn’t take kindly to any of that. [...]

Letter from Johnn Spellar MP/APPJAG to Julia Lopez MP/DCMS

LJN (UKJN) continues to log and to publish the correspondence instigated when Nigel Price and 68 other signatories wrote to the DCMS, and here we publish a letter from John Spellar MP, on behalf of APPJAG to Julia Lopez MP, [...]

Cornish-born and London-based alto saxophonist Ronan Perrett has been an active member of London’s jazz scene for several years, both as a sideman and as leader of TwoSpeak, a jazz quartet that was a finalist at the international Jazz Juniors [...]


European tour, May 2022

The world needs more Canada, as the saying has it. The May 2022 European tour by the seven-piece Canadian Jazz Collective will give a rare opportunity to hear seven of Canada’s top jazz musicians in an exciting new venture. They [...]


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