UK Jazz News

March 3, 2022

#IWD 2022

Pianist, bandleader, composer and educator Nikki Iles is a central figure in British jazz. At UKJN we are pleased start off this year’s series of International Women’s Day features, now in their 12th year, with this interview by John Fordham. [...]

a 'Zirkuszelt'...and the German Jazz Awards

As part of its preparations for welcoming the worldwide jazz community back to Bremen this year, jazzahead! (28 April – 1 May) has already let it be known that there will be a lot more space for the event. This [...]

(published 17 Mar)

Philip Watson’s biography “Bill Frisell, Beautiful Dreamer: The Guitarist Who Changed the Sound of American Music” will be published by Faber on 17 March 2022. Philip Watson has been a prolific feature writer on a broad range of subjects for [...]


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