UK Jazz News

January 31, 2022

According to my memory (an increasingly fallible source), from 1919 onwards, the jazz repertoire makes no reference to the devastating Spanish ’flu epidemic. But, a century later, social attitudes have changed and a group of musicians from the Netherlands have [...]

2-12 March 2022.

Universal Connection – Martin Speake (sax), Hans Koller (piano), Anders Christensen (bass) and Anders Mogensen (drums) – are set to embark on a tour of 10 concert venues around England between 2-12 March, which follows on from their album, Universal [...]

28 January 2022.

Amy Gadiaga (pron. Ga-dya-ja) is a young French-born bass player and vocalist from the Tomorrow’s Warriors school who, what with things, has only recently started playing out with her quartet. A previous concert presented online by jazz re:freshed introduced a [...]

The various lockdown periods in the last two years have clearly been extremely difficult for freelance musicians. However, the time away from the pressures of touring, recording and hustling for gigs has allowed space for new types of creativity.  In [...]

Adrian Cox (clarinet) and Joe Webb (piano) are two young musicians with a deep love, respect and understanding of jazz from an era when it was played, as Jelly Roll Morton insisted, “soft, sweet and plenty rhythm!” Drawing on their [...]


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